Saturday, October 11, 2008

Hats Off to Mark Sandman!

como la imperfeccion es capaz de crear algo tan bello!
como el diamante en el centro del carbon
Hats Off to Mark Sandman! The man got rythm! sus ritmos son tan contagiosos que no puedes evitar mover tus manos o tus pies mientras lo escuchas. he was IN the BEAT man!! tenia todo lo que un beat debía tener. es la simpleza con la que nos muestra toda la belleza, tan obvia que no puedes evadirla, el sartori en una cancion. no es cosa de niños ya, estamos en las ligas mayores, y mr. sandman canduce nuestro auto como lo habría echo mr. cassiday mucho tiempo atras. nadie lo entendia a todos los lugares que iba, pero tu! tu hablas su idioma! así que si te crees capáz de entender su idioma aventurate a entrar en su mundo, deja tus prejuicios atras, sube al auto baja la ventana y siente la brisa del aire en tu cara, porque el camino es largo y la carretera es hermosa, y no podías tener mejor compañia.
Honey White lyrics

Honey white (x3)

Made a deal for some angel food

Honey white (x2)

Everybody told her it was sweet and good yea

Oh honey (x4)

She said you'll see me later yea you'll see me later

Will you see me later seemed all too soon

And then he smiles he knows honey's coming back

Honey's going to want some more angel food

Devil made of honey (x4)

She said you'll get me when I'm old and wizened

And not a day before that

The devil said honey it won't be that long

Besides I like to see a little more fat

Yea I like to see a little more fat

You know I like to see a little more fat

Honey white (x4)

Uh tell me how is your angel food

Honey white oh honey white

She says it's sweet and good

Honey white honey white uh honey white

The sweetness starts to fade

Honey white (x2)

Thought you could get away

Poor honey (x4)


Where is the ritual
And tell me where where is the taste
Where is the sacrifice
And tell me where where is the faith
Someday there'll be a cure for pain
That's the day I throw my drugs away
When they find a cure for pain

Where is the cave
Where the wise woman went
And tell me where
Where's all that money that I spent
I propose a toast to my self control
You see it crawling helpless on the floor
Someday there'll be a cure for pain
That's the day I throw my drugs away
When they find a cure for pain (x2)
When they find a cure find a cure for pain

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