Monday, August 29, 2005

the love below

The Rat is happier than ever, happy as can be. He found Ruth the girl that he had lost 2 and a half years ago. He first met her in a soloon down in Gotinga on the first day of the year of 2003. He had and incredible conversation with her and they share one of their best night together. Then he went away into the Apache territories in search of his roots, to search deep in his soul. But the Rat wasn't so smart back then, he didn't got her telephone or anything to contact her. So after that night they both fell in love with each other, but they couldn't see each other again.
They asked their common friends for information about one another but nobody seem to be able to help them. He finally came back to Gotinga one year later, but she wasn't living there anymore. All that year he couldn't stop thinking about her, remembering every detail of the trouble life of his little Ruth. But after a year he finally gave up and lost hope of seeing her again.
Memories of that night came and go from time to time. Regrets of things he didn't do would haunt the poor Rat for the rest of his life. He lost his biggest chance of finding love. Hi felt that he has lost his soulmate. Someone with a soul as tormented as his. He remember that when he was holding her everything felt absolutely right, he felt complete and happy. He remembered his short red hair and her soft skin, the taste of her lipstick and her smell: "she smelled like angels ought to smell. The perfect woman. The Goddess."
So a year later he receive a dreadful call, the beloved father of his friend in Gotinga lost his life to a heart attack. He was devastated, every friend of his, and his family were devastated. So he and a couple of friends decided to go to Gotinga to visit their friend and try to console him.
Once there they talked with Valta, their friend, and they all decided that they wanted to have a good time help him feel better. Valta was happy to see their friends, he haven't see them in a year, some of them more. So they all start happily drinking and chatting and decided to go out bar hopping. Everything seem like a normal kind of night between friends, going out, the regular stuff. But then the little Rat saw something that blew his mind, he lost all the atention from his friends conversation. There was a little girl in the back with short blonde hair that remind him of Ruth, he couldn't be sure if she was in fact her or not. But he got up and went to talk to her. She was nice and beautiful, but looked different. Still her body was very similar. He asked her name and she said: "Poly". It wasn't Ruth. He felt dissapointed, but still he felt that it was the same girl, he was very confused. So he told her that she reminded him to a girl that he met like three years ago there in Gotinga. She stared at him strongly in the eyes "What was her name?" she asked. "Ruth, I met her in this bar and we talked all night and never see eachother again." she answer. "It was me. My name is Ruth Anjelica but everybody calls me Poly." They were both amaze and could't believe it. She looked happy and then she said "But it wasn't three year ago, it was two!" And the rat remembered and realize that time had seem longer for him than it actually was.
So as weird as this story seems its by far the happiest that I've ever know. They found each other again and they plan to never let go.


A Teen Spirit! said...

There is a Poly!?!?!?

mmmmmmmm..... :S

I am jealous!!!!

buuh!!!!!!! jejeje


be somebody baby said...

yes there is!

Anonymous said...


there's a poly?
yo tambien quiero saber eso
and, who's the jealous girl?
que pasa, no entro a tu blog en dos dias y ya hay controversia!

A Teen Spirit! said...

io soy la jealous girl
